View Full Version : A Little Help Please

03-10-2006, 09:00 AM
ok so im connected and on #videopimp.

i type @find eminem

then find the video i want

type in the trigger

then the dir

but when i request for eminem - just lose it (SNL) it always comes up with ERROR file does not exist or not valid file type

what do i do?

03-10-2006, 09:09 AM
when you see the file you want, highlight it all (excluding the file size), and thats copied to your clipboard. Then type get, and paste the file name, so for example it would be:

get eminem - just lose it (SNL) - videopimp.mpg

Something along them lines - any other trouble check the help file HERE (http://www.videopimp.org/help/loadvpmirc.html).

03-10-2006, 09:11 AM
If you still for whatever the reason can not get this to work for you please come tot he help channel (#videopimp.com) and ask for me and I will help you.

03-10-2006, 10:09 AM
yep it works now, it was because i was addin the file size. thank you alot for your help. and another question......which server would i go on to get movies and not music videos?

03-10-2006, 04:09 PM
yep it works now, it was because i was addin the file size. thank you alot for your help. and another question......which server would i go on to get movies and not music videos?

www.amazon.com has them.

03-10-2006, 04:23 PM
yep it works now, it was because i was addin the file size. thank you alot for your help. and another question......which server would i go on to get movies and not music videos?

We do NOT do movies. Check our Rules/Terms of Use Page (www.videopimp.org/terms).

If you want movies, goto the store or movie rental store.