View Full Version : Living Syndication

03-04-2008, 02:54 PM

was just wondering what is up with the pimpin out of living syndication at the end of all the videos. not saying they are bad or anything but you think there would be other bands to help support other than "Living Syndication":spam: what ever happened to videos that just ended normally....

03-04-2008, 10:20 PM
Just helping promote a really good band. Helping get their name out. I've enquired with a few other bands, and no one seems to want to send us some material for something similar. Kinda surprising. Oh well. I've approached several decent bands, but nothing back for the most part. (Digital Summer (friggen awesome band), Cyrenic (really cool sound), and some others that I can't even think of atm. Some folks just don't wanna bother or whatnot.

If you know a good band that needs some help, or wants to join in the fun. Have them email me.
